Foreigners Law

We are working on the application and finalisation of residence and work permits for our foreign clients in Turkey, which is the centre of migration movements throughout history and rapidly receiving immigration from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Thanks to Turkey’s growing and developing tourism, agriculture and industry sectors, many foreign investors want to establish businesses and make investments in Alanya. Foreigners living permanently in Turkey, after a certain period of time, they have the right to apply for citizenship. In the process of these procedures, it is very important to collect many documents, translate and follow up the application. We are an office that has previously made citizenship applications and follow-up of many investors. In this way, we have a wide reference inventory. We offer you a privileged service as an experienced company in citizenship application in Antalya-Alanya.

Recruitment of Foreign Personnel in Alanya and Antalya and Obtaining Foreign Work Permit in Alanya, Obtaining Foreign Residence Permit in Alanya is an important issue. To get information about obtaining a Work Permit for Foreigners in Alanya in the tourism and real estate sectors; do not hesitate to consult to apply for our opinions.
We assist in the following areas of foreigners law:
Turkey Visa
Residence permit in Alanya
Legal assistance for those in Alanya with a humanitarian residence permit
Citizenship applications in Alanya
Work permits in Alanya
Legal assistance for those at risk of deportation
Legal assistance to persons held in removal centres
Despite fulfilling the residence requirement in Turkey and having a regular income, many people’s citizenship applications are rejected and sometimes even their residence permits are cancelled. We help our clients whose citizenship and residence applications are rejected to solve these problems through litigation.
Legal Consultancy and Advocacy Services for Foreigners in Antalya-Alanya Region are of great importance. Every year, thousands of foreigners are sent to removal centres due to unfounded allegations against them and deportation decisions are made about these foreigners. The objection period to this decision is very short and if they do not object within this period and if they do not benefit from our Alanya Legal Assistance to Foreigners service, they are sent back to their countries regardless of their occupation and position in Turkey.
We will do everything to help all foreign individuals and investors seeking our guidance on the Turkish Citizenship Law. There is a deadline for applications on some issues in our laws. For this reason, when you encounter any transaction; contact us without delay when you receive a notification. Do not forget that there are many legal processes that must be carried out according to the content of the notification. Missing the deadlines set for these processes leads to loss of rights.
We also support our clients who violate the laws governing the labour regulation of foreigners and appeal the fines imposed on them. We quickly ensure that all of our clients’ legal affairs in Alanya are in compliance with the rules.
Foreigners’ law is changing frequently for political and economic reasons. Turkey is easing these rules in order to attract more investors and encourage brain drain. Many investors choose Turkey as their main investment base, as Turkey’s inclusion in the European Common Market provides foreign investors with short access to both the European and Middle Eastern markets.
For various reasons, our foreign clients are faced with deportation or cancellation of their residence and work permits, and we provide assistance in all matters with our Foreign Language Speaking Lawyers and Staff in Alanya, who are specialised in the necessary legal proceedings and follow-up ways.
We have the necessary legal and administrative experience to assist our foreign clients who want to apply for Citizenship by Investment in Alanya, in the types of investments that are favourable to gain citizenship and to follow up Citizenship Applications in Alanya.
In September 2019, with the changes made in obtaining citizenship in Alanya through investment, the path to citizenship has now been opened to foreigners who buy property in Alanya worth 250.000 USD. Many investors from the Middle East, Russia and China obtain citizenship in this way and become second passport holders. Both Buying Property in Alanya and Applying for Citizenship in Alanya is not an easy way. We ensure that our clients buy property at its value and above the legal limits. We also support our clients in the preparation of contracts and the purchase of immovable property. After this stage, we offer the service of collecting the necessary documents, translating, filing, making applications and following up. Citizenship through Property Acquisition in Alanya attracts the attention of many people both because Alanya is a centre of attraction and provides high recycling. Citizenship through Property Acquisition in Alanya involves many challenging processes. In this process, we have finalised the transactions of many of our clients without any problems with our Lawyer Assistance Service in Alanya Land Registry and Lawyer Assistance Service in Alanya Immigration Administration.

Property Acquisition for Foreigners in Alanya is subject to different legal processes for citizens of each country. During the property purchase in Alanya, we examine with the help of a lawyer whether the country you come from has reciprocity with Turkey in the purchase and sale of real estate. We inform you about the restrictions imposed on foreigners and inform you about the purchase of real estate for commercial and personal use in Alanya. Within the scope of our Real Estate Purchase for Foreigners in Alanya by Appointment (by Power of Attorney) service, we buy about fifteen properties every year on behalf of our clients, by negotiating the conditions and price on their behalf. To date, we have dozens of references in this regard.
In our region, foreigners open companies to carry out their commercial transactions. By providing Commercial Law Assistance for Foreigners in Alanya; We are at your side with our unique experience in Establishing a Company with Foreign Partners in Alanya; Management of a Company with Foreign Partners in Alanya and Dissolution of Companies with Foreign Partners in Alanya. We are at your side with our in-house experts in the Management of Legal Processes in Alanya.
Understanding the goals and needs of our customers is always our main starting point. We rely on our experience to diagnose problems in advance; overcome obstacles; minimise costs and risks.


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