Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law

We help our clients to collect and follow up their receivables from individuals and companies in Alanya.

Basic Concepts of Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
Execution and Bankruptcy Law consists essentially of two main processes: Execution and bankruptcy. The enforcement process involves the creditor’s collection of the debtor’s rights over the debtor’s assets by legal means. This process is carried out by enforcement offices and may result in the seizure of the debtor’s material assets. The bankruptcy process, on the other hand, involves the official declaration that the debtor does not have the financial strength to meet its debts and the distribution of its assets among creditors in a fair manner.

Stages of the Enforcement Process
The enforcement process usually begins with an application by the creditor to the enforcement office. In the event of non-payment by the debtor, the creditor makes a formal request for the collection of the debt. The enforcement office is authorised to seize the debtor’s assets and put them up for sale. This process may vary depending on the financial situation of the debtor, and in some cases, all or part of the assets may be seized.

Features of the Bankruptcy Process
The insolvency process is a formal recognition that the debtor is unable to meet its financial obligations. This process results in the liquidation of the debtor’s assets and the distribution of the proceeds to creditors. Bankruptcy helps to ensure financial stability by allowing the debtor to be economically restructured.

Importance of Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
Execution and Bankruptcy Law establishes a fair balance within the economic system. While protecting the rights of creditors, it also gives debtors the chance to correct their financial situation and restructure. This branch of law supports the healthy functioning of the economic system by minimising the consequences of financial crises and mismanagement.


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